Let's Get Down To Business
Creating, developing & sustaining your business can be extremely exciting and incredibly scary all at the same time! Understanding how to develop and communicate your products, services and ideas can be even more challenging. As fellow small business owners, Shelly Taggar & Danessa Myricks completely understand this! Your questions, emails, stories and requests were the inspiration for our first ever Live digital business series!Let’s Get Down to BusinessThis educational series is designed to dig deeply into the nitty gritty framework of brand building, communication, marketing and protecting your brand, the brand you poured your heart and soul into for life!Who is this program for?This program was specifically designed for;
- Beauty professionals building their personal brand
- Beauty professionals wanting to create and sell products & services
- Entrepreneurs looking to formalize their business structure
- Small business owners looking to build more momentum
- Entrepreneurs struggling with the accounting & legal aspects of their business
- Entrepreneurs looking to maximize the potential of their brand
- Independent artists looking to protect their finances and plan for the future
- Entrepreneurs who’ve made all the mistakes and need a roadmap to get back on track
- Anyone looking for new nuggets to expand and grow their business
Wouldn’t it be amazing to have a checklist of all the thing you need to know early on in your business to create the ultimate opportunity for you in your business future, this is it!Presenters
- Shelly Taggar, Owner of The Makeup Sho
- Danessa Myricks, Owner of Danessa Myricks Beauty
- Nils Johnson, Owner of BeautyLish
- Gary Estache , New Business Development Specialist
- Jeffrey Chery, Intellectual Property Attorney - Trademarks
Course OutlineGetting StartedBe the Brand
- What is a brand
- Why is branding so important
Formulating your brand identity
- What’s in a name?
- Visual Ques (Fonts, colors, vibe)
- Creating Logos
Communicating your brand
- Storytelling
- Successfully communicating your products & services
Creating your social identity - Danessa
- Establishing your social presence
- Building momentum
The down and DirtyBusiness FundamentalsKey things every new business should consider and understandChoosing a Business structure
- Choosing the type of entity to form
- What is a DBA
- Applying for an EIN
- Getting a Business License
Keys to expense tracking and reporting Expenses
- Business Expense Documentation
- Tax Filing / Preparation
- Savings/ Retirement
- Setting up an accounting system
Protecting your brand
- Understanding the Difference Between Trademarks, Copyright and Patents
- Acquiring and Securing Trademark Rights as Part of Business Formation
- Protecting Trademarks in a Global Market
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This was really helpful, thank you for breaking it down!” — Kahli
Disclaimer: These courses are full of demonstrations and techniques that Danessa Myricks has developed and throughout her career. These digital workshops are designed to be a deep dive into Danessa’s personal style of makeup and the products she uses. These courses are not part of the US department of Education & State Education Departments licensed course guidelines and are not intended for this purpose